Thursday, November 17, 2011

Final Draft

Gilberto Castillo

Ms. Jager

Social Studies

8 November 2011

New Light in a Void of Hope

Disease, pollution, and disparity for some, happiness and hope for all. These are
 the characteristics Slums share globally as they are often poor, crowded, and polluted, though  they are
 the home for the rural immigrants. And even though Slum`s are places of starvation and disease, in
 reality they are places of new opportunities, brotherhood, and a relatively cheap living. But even in
 their disparity a new hope and a new light are enough to cause poor rural immigrants to travel to

For many disparity is not a driving force, the idea of earning more money and gaining new
 opportunities is the driving force that allows people to live in slums. Meaning that ""People move not
 because they will to be better off, they move because they expect to be better off, and this expectation
 pushes people from where they are." Basically it is the thoughts and dreams and the expectation to be 
better off that drives many to move to, live in, and strive in Slums. Though an area of dreams is nothing
 without the support of your fellow man.

Often the prosperous futures many slum dewwelars acquire are founded with the brotherhood of
 the community. One man refused to let his community be destroyed as " He speaks of the pride of the
 community spirit and the tolerance between the slum`s many different religious groups." This man
 talks how if the slum is torn down, the sense of brotherhood the community has,would be torn down
 too. As Slums were built around people with the same goal, and if they were to beremoved all the
 people would see each others as strangers even enemies. And even though many of the slum residents
 are poor, often "poor" is all you need to live in a slum. 

Even cheap land and cheap supplies can add up to a cheap living based around legitimate work.
 Many along with this slum dewwelar share the view that "Slum life is cheap[..]With less then a dollar
 you can survive." Meaning that you can survive on what little you get and even if you earn a dollar
 anywhere else it is worthless, in a slum however you can base your life around that income.

In conclusion, Slums may vary in location but not in spirit. And while Slum`s are often places
 of starvation and disease, are in reality places of new opportunities, brotherhood, and a relatively
 cheap living. So Slums are not places of disparity but people who are trying to improve their lives
 from what they had before. So in reality while we worry on how to improve the world  and pity those
 who do not get the chance, compared to slum residents who really should be pitied.
Work Cited
Blythe, Nils. “Mumbai`s slums life poses world problems” BBC News Online. 29 September 2011.
Eaves, Elisabeth. “ Two Billion Slum Dwellers.” 6 November 2006. 29 September 2011.
Fink, Sheri. “ Cities of the Poor I, Life in the Slums(Kenya).” Public Radio International: The World. 
29 September. 2011. <>
“Urbanization.” World Geography: Understanding a Changing World. 29 September 2011.

Monday, October 31, 2011

I. Introduction
Disease, pollution, and disparity for some, happiness and hope for all. These are the characteristics Slums share globally as they are often poor, crowded, and polluted, though  they are the home for the rural immigrants. And even though Slum`s are places of starvation and disease, in reality they are places of new opportunities, brotherhood, and a relatively cheap living. But even in their disparity a new hope and a new light are enough to cause poor rural immigrants to travel to slums.

II. Defendable Point #1
For many disparity is not a driving force, the idea of earning more money and gaining new oppertunities is the driving force that allows people to live in slums. Meaning that ""People move not because they will to be better off, they move because they expect to be better off, and this expectation pushes people from where they are." Basically it is the thoughts and dreams and the expectation to be better off that drives many to move to, live in, and strive in Slums. Though an area of dreams is nothing without the support of your fellow man.

III. Defendable Point #2 
Often the prosperous futures many slum dewwelars acquire are founded with the brotherhood of the community. One man refused to let his community be destroyed as " He speaks of the pride of the pride of the community spirit and the tolerance between the slum`s many different religious groups." This man talks how if the slum is torn down, the sense of brotherhood the community has would be torn down too. As Slums were built around people with the same goal, and if they were to be removed all the people would see each others as strangers even enemies. And even though many of the slum residents are poor, often "poor" is all you need to live in a slum. 

IV. Defendable Point  # 3
Even cheap land and cheap supplies can add up to a cheap living based around legitimate work. Many along with this slum dewwelar share the view that "Slum life is cheap[..]With less then a dollar you can survive." Meaning that you can survive on what little you get and even if you earn a dollar anywhere else it is worthless, in a slum however you can base your life around that income.

V. Conclusion
In conclusion, Slums may vary in location but not in spirit.And while Slum`s are often places of starvation and disease, are in reality places of new opportunities, brotherhood, and a relatively cheap living.So Slums aren`t places of disparity but people who are trying to improve their lives from what they had before. So in reality while we worry on how to improve the world  and pity those who don`t get the chance, compared to slum residents who really should be pitied.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


I. Introduction
 Disease, pollution, and disparity for some, happiness and hope for all. These are the characteristics Slums share globally as they are often poor, crowded, and polluted, though  they are the home for the rural immigrants. And even though Slum`s are places of starvation and disease, in reality they are places of new opportunities, brotherhood, and a relatively cheap living. But even in their disparity a new hope and a new light are enough to cause poor rural immigrants to travel to slums.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I. Introduction
A. Disease, pollution, and disparity for some, happiness and hope for all.
B. Slums globally share the same characteristics they are often poor, crowded, and polluted, though  they are the home for the rural immigrants.
C. Slum`s, while often places of starvation and disease, in reality are places of new opportunities, brotherhood, and a relatively cheap living.
D. New hope and new light cause poor rural immigrants to travel to slums.

II. Defendable Point #1
A. The idea of earning more money and gaining new oppertunities is what drives people to live in slums.
I."People move not because they will to be better off, they move because they expect to be better off, and this expectation pushes people from where they are."
II. The taught of a better life is what pushes people to move to slums.
C. A dream of a better life drives many to slums.
D. Though an area of dreams is nothing without the support of your fellow man.

III. Defendable Point #2
A. The prosperous futures many slum dewwelars acquire are founded with the brotherhood of the community.
I." He speaks of the pride of the pride of the community spirit and the tolerance between the slum`s many different religious groups."
II. This man talks how if the slum is torn down, the sense of brotherhood the community has would be torn down too.
C. Slums were built around people with the same goal, and if they were to be removed all the people would see each others as strangers even enemies.
D. Even though many of the slum residents are poor, often "poor" is all you need to live in a slum. 

IV. Defendable Point  # 3
A. Cheap land and cheap supplies add up to a cheap living based around legitimate work.
I. "Slum life is cheap[..]With less then a dollar you can survive."
II. You can survive on what little you get.
C. If you earn a dollar anywhere else it is worthless, in a sum however you can baes your life around that income.
V. Conclusion
A. In conclusion, Slums may vary in location but not in spirit.
B.  Slum`s, while often places of starvation and disease, in reality are places of new opportunities, brotherhood, and a relatively cheap living.
C. Slums aren`t places of desparity but people who are trying to improve their lives from what they had before.
D. So in reality while we worry on how to improve the world  and pity those who dont get the chance, compared to slum residents who really should be pitied.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Thesis Statement

Slum`s, while often places of starvation and disease, in reality are places of new opportunities, brotherhood, and a relatively cheap living.